Sunday, February 5, 2012

Recycle Town

Over the summer I had been thinking about new craft projects at school.  Homes and family are the main themes at school in September.   I was stuck on this building your home idea....and then I found a website that talked about building your own houses with recycled items  And, my project was formed in my brain.
1.  Have kids bring in boxes and recycle items like egg cartons, toilet/paper towel rolls, oatmeal conatiners, tissue and cereal boxes, and newspaper.
2. Cover the floor of your art area with newspaper or a drop cloth.
3. Pour glue into containers and set big paintbrushes next to it.  Also get out tape- whatever kinds you have on hand.

4. Have student pick one box and 3 recycle items from the big pile of goodies.  Let them create their own house.  Assist with glue and tape.
5.  Wrap house in newspaper.
6.  Go to the painting table where there are trays of primary colors.  Have them choose one color and paint.

7.  The next day, I gave them colorful foam shapes that they glued on.

Then set up a whole Recycle Town for the parents to come in and see.  The kids LOVED this project.  And the parents seemed to think it was cool.  I know my child, who is in the class, brought his house home and his cars used it for months.

So much fun!!

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